RN Radio is brought to you by Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies and Nursing at Georgetown, the school’s online master’s degree program in nursing.
The latest edition of a textbook by Georgetown University faculty member Mary C. Brucker, CNM, PhD, FACNM, FAAN, and School of Nursing & Health Studies (NHS) midwifery alumna Tekoa L. King, CNM, MPH, FACNM, has been recognized by the American Journal of Nursing (AJN) as a 2016 Book of the Year, earning first place in the Maternal–Child Health category.
According to the CDC, approximately 2 million External link people are diagnosed with antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections annually around the country, and at least 23,000 die due to these infections. In this piece, we'll discuss sources of exposure, trends in resistance, and what primary care providers can do to support proper and effective antibiotic use.
It’s no secret that excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can have potentially dire consequences; the data is everywhere. Yet according to the latest research, a staggering number of adults and even teens still seek out tanning beds once the summer sun starts to wane. As we head into colder weather, consider all the facts before seeking out indoor tanning.
"The Affordable Care Act created new health care delivery and payment models that emphasize teamwork, care coordination, value, and prevention: models in which nurses can contribute a great deal of knowledge and skill. Indeed, the nursing profession is making a wide-reaching impact by providing quality, patient-centered, accessible, and affordable care."